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You can use an external IGUHealth deployment as an identity provider for your application. The following are the setup instructions for setting up IGUHealth as an external IDP.


  1. Go to the Admin app of the external IDP IGUHealth tenant and select Client Applications from the left sidebar under security.
  2. Click on new and fill in the following parameters:
    • Name: <user provided value>
    • Grant Type: Authorization code
    • Response Types: Token
  1. Click create
  2. Make a note of the id of the newly registered client.
  3. Go to your IGUHealth tenant admin app and create an IdentityProvider resource.
  4. Set the status to active, set access type to oidc.
  5. Go to the Settings tab in the external IDP IGUHealth tenant.
  1. For your IDP Resource fill in
    • Authorization Endpoint: Copy from step 7
    • Token Endpoint: Copy from step 7
  2. Copy the discovery document URL from the external IDP IGUHealth tenant.
  3. Go to the url and copy the JWKS uri into the IdentityProvider resource.
  4. Add the following scopes:
    • openid
    • profile
    • email
  5. Fill in the clientID with the value from step 4.
  6. For PKCE settings, set the following:
    • Code Challenge Method: S256
    • Enabled: checked
  7. Click create
  8. Go to the registration information tab and copy the Redirect URL.
  9. Paste redirect URL in the client application from step 3.
  10. Log out and test the IGUHealth login.